Friday, October 21, 2022
Nosferatu - A Century of Horror
Monday, September 19, 2022
One "Rings" to Rule Them All
I was an impressionable eight-year old when my dad brought me along with some of his friends to a screening of Peter Jackson's The Fellowship of the Ring in December 2001, and although I may not have realized or appreciated it at the time (if anything, quite the opposite - the same creature work and monster makeup that won the New Zealand-based production several Oscars and other industry awards sent me scrambling for terrified cover under the theater seats), looking back, I now recognize it as one of those key turning points in life that's had an immeasurable influence on everything that's come after. Although it was only half-glimpsed at first through spaces in the fingers I'd placed over my eyes, that December screening marked the start of a lifelong preoccupation with J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-Earth: not just the written words themselves, but any and all other morsels about Tolkien's life, his writing group the Inklings (founded with his best friend and Narnia author C.S. Lewis), and his legacy on all fantasy writings that have followed. Rereading the books every year as I do, there’s a quote from The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings that I can pull from for pretty much any and every occasion, and the collective body of Tolkien’s life’s work forms the North Star not just of my literary tastes, but of my professional and even private aspirations as well.
What's prompted me now to finally sit behind the old blogging keyboard again is nothing less than a second cosmic convergence of sorts, one that I hope will bring a new generation of viewers - and, even better, readers - to Tolkien's work, like the Jackson films did for me decades ago.
Let's talk The Rings of Power.
When news hit several years ago that Amazon Studios had acquired the adaptation rights for select storylines in Tolkien's extended universe, I was cautiously optimistic; I'll leap at any and every chance to return to Middle-Earth for new adventures, of course... so long as it's being handled with the proper care and respect due for a mythic body of work that one of the great literary minds of the 20th century devoted decades of his life to creating. Such attempts had famously been shot down before, first by Tolkien himself and then posthumously by his children and estate, who stonewalled any attempts to deviate from or in any way commercialize the books for a screen audience, with a strictness that bordered on outright hostility (most notoriously, Tolkien vetoed a hopeful Lord of the Rings movie produced by and starring The Fab Four, The Beatles themselves, almost sight-unseen). But word on the street was that this new project had not only the approval of the Tolkien Estate, but their involvement and cooperation as well, something that no other filmed treatment of Middle-Earth has ever been able to boast of. With increasing confidence and enthusiasm, then, my excitement began to grow as the show's release date grew closer. If the showrunners' vision had impressed the family, the harshest possible critics, that had to bode well.
Smash cut forward to one evening in mid-August, after months of hungrily devouring every news article and trailer that trickled its way online through Amazon's long-game marketing plan. My phone ping'ed as I sat on the couch, and checking it, I saw that I'd received a message on Twitter from... no, wait, that couldn't be right... from the official Rings of Power social media team? Bewildered and confused, I was eventually able to decipher that they were writing to inform me that, if I wanted them, they had two tickets for me to the premiere of the show's first two episodes at a special screening event in New York City, ten days before they were officially released on Amazon Prime's streaming platform. The staunchly Catholic Prof. Tolkien might have called me a Doubting Thomas, but my first reaction was that this had to be a prank, a scam, some targeted attempt at pulling my leg; this sort of thing sounded faaaaar too good to be true. To my utter astonishment and delight, however, it was the real gen-yoo-ine artifact after all - they were checkmark authenticated, and had no sketchy requests to send iTunes gift cards to some deposed Nigerian prince (AKA, an attempt at hacking so obvious it would have been simpler to write it in sky writing). They had seen from tweets that I'd sent out that I was not only a Tolkien diehard, but someone who seemed genuinely excited by and open to what the show had to offer - so ten days later, still riding the Cloud 9 feeling like I'd won a golden ticket to Willy Wonka's factory, my wife Katie & I found ourselves in the back of a taxi cab on Manhattan's 5th Avenue, en route to a 5:30 PM red carpet Alice Tully Hall.
Upon arrival, we were issued special VIP badges, then shown to a special cocktail reception where several of the world's leading Tolkien scholars, experts, and creators of online fan sites or other influential social media accounts were either networking or else giddily anticipating the new Middle-Earth content we were all about to see for the first time - a kind of Council of Elrond for fans, with wine and passed hors d'oeuvres. My head was already on a swivel from one impressive guest to another, not saying much but taking in the sheer presence of some of these giants of the field, when I started triple-taking and realized that, mingled among the rest of the night's attendees and engaged with them in spirited conversations, were the stars and creators of The Rings of Power themselves. Having seen their likenesses on posters or their characters delivering trailer-worthy soundbites as part of the scant clips that had been released as teasers, it was a bit surreal seeing the living, breathing actors themselves, cleaned up and dressed in 21st century eveningwear instead of dwarven chainmail armor. While it was an unforgettable experience from start to finish, some true highlights were getting the chance to meet (however briefly) and take pictures with Morfydd Clark & Ismael Cruz Cordova, Galadriel & Arondir respectively; Rings of Power has a massive ensemble cast featuring more than forty actors across several of Middle-Earths different races and species, but if there's such a thing as leads among them, Clark & Cordova probably fit that billing if the marketing material is anything to go by. I'm also happy to report that, for all their talent onscreen, they're incredibly gracious, down-to-earth people who just seem thrilled to be a part of this special project, looking suitably glamorous as they do so... but that's Elves for you, I suppose.
Elbows sufficiently rubbed and cocktails finished, we all then made our way into a spacious theater across the street, where Katie & I were shown all the way down to the third row from the front, sitting in the same row as several of the cast and crew; there's not many other experiences in my life I can compare to watching an elf lord projected fifty-feet high as he discusses his family's turbulent history, then turning to my right and seeing the actor who portrays him sitting about four seats away, watching along in unison. The first few episodes have released on Amazon Prime now, and I encourage you in the strongest possible terms to watch for yourself, but sitting in a packed theater with a state-of-the-art sound system and watching Tolkien's work brought to the big screen again, I was overwhelmed in the most positive sense of the word.
If there's one thing I wish for this show, it's that the conversation around it would shift more to that kind of positivity, which has been unanimously shared by those who've experienced the first few episodes for themselves. Unfortunately, much of the online dialogue (and certainly the media headlines) have centered around a shameful issue of outright ugliness and prejudice in the face of Rings of Power's race-blind casting policies. As someone born in South Africa who was down on record as being vehemently anti-apartheid and was even famously passive-aggressive to Nazi German publishers, Tolkien's writings are and always have been about multiple races, species, and classes of all sorts uniting in fellowship against an oppressively monolithic and intolerant evil; and yet, that same evil now seems to have somehow wormed its way into the opinions of so-called "purists." Apparently dragons, balrogs, orcs, and magic rings are all totally credible in a world such as Middle-Earth in the minds of these small and backwards-minded racists - let me be frank here and call them as such, because for all the semantic acrobatics trying to say otherwise, in the plain light of day it's the only reason they could have for outrage - but a dark-skinned elf? A dwarf with melanin? These things are sacrilege to them, and reason enough to boycott the show or even attempt to outright sabotage its ratings.
On the one hand, it's a real shame to see such toxicity anywhere near a body of work I've spent so much of my life adoring - but on the other, it's also been incredibly affirming to see the majority of the community step up to speak out loudly against such hatred, stating in no uncertain terms that Middle-Earth is and always will be a place that welcomes all who visit it. As of this writing, you can watch the first four of eight scheduled episodes in the first season for yourself on Amazon Prime, with the remaining four scheduled to release Fridays at midnight over the coming weeks. It's not for me to plug a show from Amazon that's already doing quite well on its own without my meager assistance - and, despite hilariously deluded accusations from the literal trolls of the internet who are determined to do everything possible to see it fail, no, my positive opinion of the show is in no way, shape, or form bankrolled by Amazon conspirators. My real excitement and enthusiasm for Rings of Power is genuine, honest, and it has to be stated, earned. The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, Tolkien's two most well-known works, manage to play many keys on the tonal piano of genre, from horror to comedy to folklore to war epic, and The Rings of Power is already following suit, thanks in no small part to the performances and contributions of the same people the trolls are trying to turn away. This feels like Middle-Earth, and that's about the highest possible review I can give.
That feeling, maybe more than anything, is what's particularly drawn me to Tolkien as I've continued to grow older, especially as our own world has approached Mordor levels of darkness at times over the last few years. There's an adherence here to a concept that’s becoming so rare in fiction as to become almost revolutionary: purposeful hope in defiance of bleak despair. Unlike the majority of WWI veterans who traded their rifles for pens, Tolkien has never been considered a part of the so-called Lost Generation; while shell-shocked and disillusioned writers like T.S. Eliot & Ernest Hemingway drifted around fashionable Paris cafes, crafting works like "The Wasteland" & A Farewell to Arms that spoke to a societal loss of innocence and moral abandonment, Tolkien looked that same darkness straight in the eye and said "not here." His writings are instead full of wonder, heroism, the beauty of creation and of the natural world, and while they never fall into saccharine Hallmark card territory - the world of Middle-Earth is one constantly threatened (and often even marred) by war, destruction, and death, all sprouting from the pen of a WWI veteran who survived the hellish Battle of the Somme and so was intimately familiar with all three - it's a narrative that ultimately reinforces the power of goodness and light in the end.
The Rings of Power, more than any other question it poses to us - will we get to see the downfall of Numenor? What's the true identity of the mysterious Stranger who crashed to earth in a meteor (I've got a stroooooong, strong theory, just for the record)? Which of these characters could secretly be Sauron's seductive Annatar disguise that he uses to tempt the lords of Middle-Earth into his traps? - asks this one above all: what if fantasy television dared to build its foundations on optimism and hope? In contradiction to other prestige dramas like Better Call Saul or The House of the Dragon which often seem like they're trying to top each other in some unspoken contest of gritty nihilism (as one of The Rings of Power showrunners put it in a Q&A session after the NYC premiere, "peak bleak" seems to be the dominant fashion right now), what if an imaginary world chose to reject the darkness and celebrate all the things Tolkien's own characters would've celebrated as good in the world? It's an experiment I'm only too happy to witness, and one that I feel very grateful to participate in over the coming years. I hope you'll join me, and that a whole new generation will fall in love with Middle-Earth like I did.
The door is open for you, hobbits & harfoots. Speak friend, and enter.
Saturday, October 10, 2020
Love in the Time of Coronavirus
Monday, May 4, 2020
Brady's Bunch
It was the tail end of Patriots quarterback Tom Brady's record-setting 2006-07 season, where he seemed to have achieved some kind of telepathic link with wide receiver Randy Moss. League records were toppling faster than they could be set, so in the sports-loving Cook household, "Brady" was without question the name of the hour.
Which is why, when a 6 lb crate arrived first class at Logan Airport hours before a blizzard descended on the region in February 2007, there was only one name in mind for the fluffy white creature whose nose poked out of the shredded newspaper bedding at us.
I was in the 8th grade at that time - gangly, translucent, my cusp-adolescence phase in full swing. Amazing as it is for me to consider now, I hadn't had much contact with dogs at that point in my life - hardly any, as a matter of fact, to the point where I was almost skittish around them. The moment this Oklahoma-born fur-ball made his first tentative steps on our home kitchen tiles, however, all that unfamiliarity just vanished without a trace, and my life for the past thirteen years has been incomparably better for it.
I sit here writing to you now, though, feeling that unfamiliarity again for the first time in all those years. I'm stunned, and trying to process. Writing is how I do that, so here we are.
The Cook family had to say goodbye to our best friend last night. Our hearts are shattered.
The cotton ball ear-swab with legs that was Brady as we first got to know him, in puppy form |
You've heard about it. It's covered ground. It's not a fresh take. I don't care. If you're lucky enough, hopefully you'll know what I'm trying to get at, because a master's degree in writing isn't good enough here to provide me with the language to describe the friendship these beings bring to our lives. Sweet, unselfish, and faithful, faithful, faithful, Brady stopped being thought of as a "pet" or anything like it from the moment his puppy barks were first heard in our kitchen. He was, and will remain, a core, central part of the Cook family unit, no matter where it roams and spreads to in the future.
At the end, he passed, of all things, from a heart that was almost doubly large normal size, and the fitting poetry of that almost insults me. He really was all heart. He looked at you (you've got dozens of examples below that I won't apologize for including to excess), and in that expression was - sincerity? love? unmatched genuine-ness? contentedness? the unshakable feeling that he, a dog, comprehended and understood whatever it was you said to him better than most people could? I'm grasping here, trying to find the right description of Brady's personality, and adjectives are falling short in the same way that a puddle falls short of the ocean.
He was a lot of things to the Cooks - everything, in some ways - but the best I can do here is to include some of those things in picture form, and hope it imparts some minuscule sense of the unfailingly bright spot he was in our lives. Maybe, just maybe, we can follow some of his examples, and be all the better for it.
(This section largely falls under the category of "things Andrew had no involvement in or knowledge of until after the fact")
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Whether it was hats... |
... sombreros... |
... Shakespearean neck ruffles... |
... or just a pair of sunglasses, Brady was a dog of many looks. And he was adorable in every single one of them. |
- or with more hands-on approach for weighted squats, Brady was deeply invested in everyone's health and fitness. |
Especially if that meant time for chin-scratches between reps. |
For 22 lbs, he was also able to occupy a surprisingly incredible amount of cushion space all by himself. |
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His happiest dreams included cheese pizzas and the horrible demise of mailmen (more on that later) |
And he definitely appreciated the comfort of a friend to fall asleep with. |
Once he could be bothered to move to a new position and yawn himself awake, Brady himself probably took greatest pride in his role as |
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Force for Good
Now is the Golden Age of fandom. From Avengers Assembling to Boys Who Lived, everyone now seems to have at least one pop-culture phenomenon in an ever-expanding landscape full of them where they can return, again and again, for enjoyment, excitement, or even escape. A majority of these ebb and flow from the spotlight of public attention (no matter how many Harry Potter themed weekends Freeform Channel tries to flood us with over the course of year), or attract a devoted yet small and insular group of like-minded individuals, but the point is that seemingly everyone can find their own pick on the menu at the moment.
However, one body of work seems to have missed the memo concerning this typical order of things entirely, casting an almost hypnotic effect on humans as a worldwide collective that's gone unbroken since it first trumpeted into our lives more than four decades ago.
I'm talking, of course, about Star Wars, and my suspicion is that no one reading this here needs a refresher on what it's about any more than the average person would need a refresher on, say... well, actually, I'm having difficulty coming up with anything as well-known or pervasive by way of comparison. Yoda, the Death Star, "I am your father" ... these things just seem to exist in the universal consciousness, with no explanation required, in a way that's almost baffling.
For those on the fringes of the Outer Rim who may recognize some of the more iconic things at first glance but aren't necessarily plugged in at diehard levels, Star Wars is back in the news again this week because the ninth and final installment of the so-called "Skywalker Saga" (a.k.a. the story George Lucas began telling way back in 1977) debuts around the world this Friday. It's being billed as the culmination of all eight films that have preceded it... everything from the original trilogy of the 1970s and 80s, the prequel trilogy of the late 90s and early 00s that filled in the back story of the most iconic baddie in all of cinema, the most recent installments under the direction of Disney, and even beyond, to the multimedia universe of spin-offs and adaptations that have sprung up around the central, Episodic films. For the millions of fans of a galaxy far, far away, this week has been circled on the calendar for a looooooong time.
I can almost hear the cynics among us rolling their eyes: "The last one? Really for real this time, the last one? What about the last two times the series claimed it was the last one? Those didn't count, huh?" much in the same way people roll their eyes about KISS announcing a nineteenth "This Is It, ULTIMATE FAREWELL" tour. In the name of fairness, if there's one thing Disney knows how to do, it's make some $$$ (the entertainment mega-corporation acquired total rights to the franchise's past, present, and future back in 2012, to the tune of $4 billion). Any parent who's left a ride in Disney World only to find themselves conveniently distributed into a ride-themed gift shop will testify as much, and one can't see the Mouse House abandoning a cash cow as ludicrously lucrative as Star Wars any time soon.
However, with Baby Yoda spawning new memes on a weekly basis over on The Mandalorian (the flagship show of Disney's new online streaming service), at least three more confirmed original shows coming down the pipeline, a deluge of comics, cartoons, and video games all dominating the market right now, and even a newly-opened theme park area, I'd say Disney's accountants have to be pretty happy with their Star Wars-shaped future. There are other stories to tell in this sandbox now, without needing to rely on the main films about the Skywalker extended family tree as the primary generators of content, so the film debuting Friday - Episode IX, The Rise of Skywalker, for those keeping track - has an air of definite finality to it.
To be fair, when the memes are this consistently adorable, who wouldn't want more? |
Rather than delve into theories about what the movie will likely hold - REY + KYLO, IS IT FINALLY HAPPENING? IS THE EMPEROR ALIVE AGAIN THROUGH CLONING? WILL THERE BE BLUE MILK? - or try and philosophize about Star Wars' standing in relation to other pop-culture sensations before or since, I actually wanted to dedicate this post to what I think is the most important part of the series... the fans.
Through texts and social media posts, I sent out the question to friends and family: What does Star Wars mean to you? What is it about the appeal of this big goofy, wonderful space franchise, do you think?
Boy, it turns out people LOVE talking about Star Wars.
The answers I received back were better than anything I could've hoped. Wandering, passionate, personal, scrutinizing, these responses represent a whole spectrum of perspectives and opinions. If some seem to contradict one another, it just goes to show the range of interpretations Star Wars can offer to audiences. To me, the amount of similarities is what's even more interesting - echoes of people finding common ground and agreement in a time when those occurrences are more and more uncommon. Go ahead and take a read through them, then stick through the end for a final personal anecdote from Yours Truly that articulates my own thoughts about everyone's favorite space fantasy better than anything else I can think of.
"Star Wars is my first memory of going to the movies. Star Wars is scrounging around my cousin Mike’s house looking for batteries to power up his Han Solo blaster. Star Wars is playing with my X-Wing fighter so much that I repeatedly snapped the wings off, which my dad then had to bring to work to have it fixed on the special machine that specifically fixes X-Wings. Star Wars is having a calendar countdown when the first prequel was about to be released. Star Wars is sitting in Gilday’s dorm with a mountain of beers, watching the entire original trilogy (on VHS) and cheering every time the opening credits started. Star Wars is getting to watch my son run around and fight invisible storm troopers. Star Wars is pretty good."
"Watching it, you see that one person has the ability to spark a change in the course of history. It's their decision whether this change will be for better or worse. Also, laser swords are pretty awesome."
"It shows how if you try to force a natural balance to favor one side, it will always result in disorder, no matter which direction it is pushed."
"Where to begin? I am the only girl out of three children, and I remember watching A New Hope in the basement on VHS, then spending the 15-20 minutes it took for the tape to rewind playing out the action, with my brothers playing Luke & Han. And then, of course, rewatching the movie and repeating the cycle all over again. Star Wars is the only pop culture experience that has stayed with me consistently my whole life, never once drifting into the realm of nostalgia or 'I used to love...' I was born during a decade in which the original trilogy was readily available, then got to experience the prequels as a young child on the big screen as they premiered, and now I get to live through this resurgence of popularity with my fiance. Our biggest argument thus far has been in which order we'll introduce our future children to the franchise... chronologically by story timeline, or by release date? (I'm Team Release Date, in case you were wondering)"
"Nostalgia. Everyone has a childhood memory of Star Wars that you keep near and dear to your heart forever."
"It can be frustrating, actually. Especially lately, but going back decades with George Lucas, it just seems like it's all happening at the whims of whoever happens to be in charge at the time. George Lucas is one of the worst creators around in terms of revisionist history... whether or not Han shot first (he did), Luke & Leia turning out to be siblings, all those controversies that radically alter what's come before them, only for Lucas to say 'Oh, that's what I intended all along, you're wrong to think otherwise.' And then you have something like The Last Jedi, where a director can come in off the street, ruin one of the franchise's main characters because it's where he so happens to think the narrative should go, then that's now the official story... there's a lack of cohesion or respect for the fans from installment to installment that has made me just lose more and more interest in it as it progresses."
There's debate about whether Han shot first or not, but no doubt at all about Patrick |
"It says that anything is possible."
"I think it's the fact that the storyline is strong enough to hold the attention of people who may not be your typical sci-fi fans. For people who prefer movies that have 'deeper' meaning, it offers that element if you want to bother looking past the somewhat-hokey elements. While of course the different species and droids and all of that play their part, you can look past all that, and at the heart, there is a compelling story."
"I’ve always enjoyed the science-fiction aspect of the movies, the thought that this could actually be the future, that this could actually happen. The story line of good versus evil, and the twists in between where you have good-natured people that turn away and turn into the dark side. There are different twists, and you never know where it’s going."
"What drew me in was classic evil versus good plot line that also has a ton of grey areas. I think, like most stories, Star Wars is trying its best to show that people are complex, there's always a backstory, and life sucks."
"It's the universality. It not only appeals to everyone, both on a cross-cultural and cross-generational level, but it's one of the only things around today where you can get as much or as little out of it as you want to. I love Star Trek and Game of Thrones and a lot of today's other fictional universes, but you have to invest a lot of time and effort into understanding them sometimes.You can't necessarily just come off the street and enjoy them. Star Wars, you can. There's a simplicity to it that everyone can latch on to. There's a really appealing *pew pew* ray guns and laser swords element to it, playground style, and you can just put it on for a few minutes and mindlessly enjoy the sheer window-dressing craftsmanship on display of other imaginary landscapes, species, technology - BUT, all that said, you can also go deep and peel away at it with a scalpel and examine its tapestry as a modern mythology in a big, operatic sandbox. The ancient Greeks who had all these myths about the bloodlines of Zeus and self-fulfilling tragedies, Shakespeare and his plays about destinies written in the stars and all his comic relief characters... these people would've adored Star Wars. It really is satisfying on all those levels, it balances all those perspectives in a way that not much else can. We're so lucky to have this as something we can pass on to the future as a product of our time."
For being in the first grade at the time, I have to say I made a pretty convincing Sith apprentice |
Now folks, turn back your clocks to circa 2005, with the Iraq War raging overseas and Green Day on the radio. I am in the sixth grade, and belong to that group of individuals who, in a word, struggle through their middle school years. Success at my small Catholic middle school is judged by peers according to two main factors: your ability on the kickball field, and your ability to act like you have NO enthusiasm for anything in the world at all, because caring is for geeks only. I am A) asthmatic and can't kick the rubber ball past the pitcher's mound, while others can send it soaring into the outfield ("automatic out!" is usually the signal that I'm stepping up to the plate), and B) deeply enthusiastic about all sorts of things, Star Wars high among them. Couple that with a big heaping helping of pre-teen introversion, and yeah, it's still not a time I look back fondly on, even now.
The Revenge of the Sith will be debuting in theaters in a few months, the final film of the Star Wars prequel trilogy that sees the once-heroic Anakin Skywalker finally transform into the black-armored behemoth the galaxy knows as Darth Vader, and books full of teaser images and concept art have been released to an eager public ahead of time. I've been keeping one of these stashed in my desk, and after sailing through any classwork the teacher assigns, I've been spending my days pulling it out to take a stab at drawing my own versions of the new ships, droids, and costumes it shows inside. There's a corner in the back of the classroom where the teacher, either impressed by or filled with sympathy for these sketches, has set up a makeshift art gallery for anyone to post their creations to. At the moment, it's papered from floor to ceiling with Star Wars masterpieces that I've been thumb-tacking there for weeks, the gallery's sole contributor.
One day, I'm mercifully spared from kickball, because some kind of bad weather is happening outside and we're having recess indoors. On special occasions like this, the divider door between classrooms 6A & 6B (the two halves of St. Margaret's small sixth grade year) is left open, and we're allowed to travel, wide-eyed, between the two rooms, getting a taste of what daily life is like for the tribe on the other side of the island. Realizing this opportunity for the unique market it provides, I pull a desk over near the open divider door, grab a stack of plain white paper, and prop up my concept art book so that there's no mistaking just what it is I'm offering. Forget playing cards, or the huddle forming around the one girl in class whose parents have bought her an early-model cell phone; I scrawl "FREE STAR WARS DRAWINGS" on the top sheet of paper, hang it over the side of the desk as a makeshift advertisement, then sit back and wait for what I know will be a steady stream of classmates who won't believe their good luck about this one-time offer. I wait... and make some hopeful eye contact with some passerby... and wait... "You want one? Oh... ok, no worries, you can always come back tomorrow if you want..." and wait... until recess is over, and I bring the utterly untouched pad of paper back to its storage bin.
I'll stop here to spare you any further tragic details, and leave off with the slightly surprising suggestion not to feel too bad for this young lad when all is said and done. For whatever reason, this incident didn't send him home that afternoon feeling miserable - by the time the next bell rang, the art book was back out again, and new drawings were being produced for no one else's enjoyment but his and the gallery wall's. In doing so, he was immersing himself once again in an epic saga that told how all evils passed eventually, be they Evil Empires or Wars on Terror, or even something as hellish as middle school; the trick was just to not give up on hope in the meantime. He learned that lesson well, and it's never left him since.
(As you can clearly tell) |
Near fifteen years later, and while on a personal level I've moved on to a place galaxies away from the 6B classroom - seven marathons now separate me from the asthma of the kickball field, and I'm currently counting down the days until I get to marry a soulmate who actually shared that same recess yard with me - the world at large is seeing more than its fair share of new evils. For some mind-boggling reason, it seems that Nazis are, like, a thing again in society, mirroring a plot development in the Disney-era films that (I'll speak for everyone here) we'd rather have kept in the fictional universe. Vitriol, prejudice, divisiveness seem to threaten with every new venture into the Internet comment section, and a feeling of downright oppressiveness looms over the lives of a dishearteningly large portion of our society today.
But if Star Wars offers any kind of message whatsoever to its millions of fans worldwide, I think it's a rallying call to resist, to rebel against this kind of doom and gloom, to fight it with lightsabers and X-Wings and plain old stubbornness until it passes away, as it inevitably always will. I couldn't be prouder to stand and be counted in a Rebellion like that, with each and every one of my fellow Rebels quoted above, and it's been a joy to have experienced a story that inspires so much hope - A New Hope, you could say - with friends and family right up until the conclusion here.
Grab your lightsabers, folks. Let's get out there and do it all again one last time.
May the Force be with you.